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Wild Mountain Thyme


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1subject: Wild Mountain ThymePromote 0 Bookmark 02019-03-01quote  

Wild Mountain Thyme ♫ LYRICS



Wild Mountain Thyme 野山百里香 

Oh, the summertime is comin'   喔,夏日就要來了
And the trees are sweetly bloomin' 樹在開甜美的花
The wild mountain thyme 野山百里香
Grows around the purple heather 圍繞紫蘇格蘭石楠生長
Will you go? lassie/lady go 你要去嗎?女孩走吧
And we'll all go together 我們一起去
To the/pluck/pick wild mountain thyme 到野山百里香 / 摘野山百里香
All around the blooming heather 圍繞盛開的蘇格蘭石楠
Will you go? Lassie go  你要去嗎?女孩走吧
I will build my love a bower 我將為我的愛人建涼亭
By yon pure/clear crystal fountain 在那純淨晶瑩噴泉旁邊
Around it I will pile  環繞它我將會堆上
All the flowers of the mountain 山裡的所有的花
Will you go? Lassie go 你要去嗎?女孩走吧
And we will all go together
To pick wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go? Lassie go
If my true love she were gone   / If my true love she won't tell me 如果我的真愛不要
I would surely find another  / that, I surely find another 我一定會找另一個
To the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the purple heather
Will you go? Lassie go
And we will all go together
To pluck wild mountain thyme
All around the purple heather
Will you go? 
Will you go?
Lassie will you go?
edited: 33

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