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Vim 7.3b 測試了

joined: 2008-01-21
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1subject: Vim 7.3b 測試了Promote 0 Bookmark 02010-07-30quote  
Vim 7.3b ready for beta testing

This is a BETA release of Vim 7.3.  It consists of Vim 7.2 plus all
patches, updated runtime files and some more.

7.3b both includes lots of fixes and a few new features.  Everything
needs to be tested to verify no new problems have been introduced.

Please report every problem you find!  The time until a 7.3 release
depends on how many problems are reported.

The biggest additions since 7.2:
- Persistent undo, undo for reload
- Blowfish encryption, also encrypt the swap file
- Conceal text (note: since 7.3a 'conc' was renamed to 'cole')
- Lua interface
- Python 3 interface

I will no longer include new features in 7.3, it's only testing now.


Vim 一直在進化,不過我的 Vim 技巧愈忘愈多 Orz……

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