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Björk - Declare Independence

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1subject: Björk - Declare IndependencePromote 0 Bookmark 02009-04-20quote  

Björk 是我一直很喜歡的歌手,她的 MTV 一向有點恐怖,有興趣的可以自己去 youtube 找。

這裡放一首她的 Declare Independence,這首歌原本沒有 vocal,是時常與 Björk 合作的音樂伙伴 Mark Bell 所作,早在 2006 年就在他的 Live Show 演出過,人聲的部分是 Björk 後來才加的,歌詞是在向格陵蘭與法羅島 (Faroe Island) 的獨立運動致敬,鼓勵他們 Declare Independence。去年 (2008) 西藏事件爆發後,Björk 在上海開演唱會的時候,公然在唱完這首歌後大喊 “Tibet! Tibet”。超酷的!


Declare Independence

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Start your own currency!
Make your own stamp
Protect your language

Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you
Declare independence
Don't let them do that to you

[x4] Make your own flag!

[x6] Raise your flag! (Higher, higher!)

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Damn colonists
Ignore their patronizing
Tear off their blindfolds
Open their eyes

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

With a flag and a trumpet
Go to the top of your highest mountain!

And raise your flag! (Higher, higher!)
[x5] Raise your flag! (Higher, higher!)

Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!
Declare independence!
Don't let them do that to you!

Raise the flag!


這支 MV 很有意思,非常概念化,Björk 像是殖民地的女軍官,不斷向軍隊鼓吹獨立自主,軍隊則受到整部(殖民國家)機器的掌控,紅色的繩子象徵革命的鮮血,藍色(天空、海洋)代表自由,隨著軍隊的覺醒,開始出現各種不同顏色的繩索,在領袖的煽動下,緩緩昇起了殖民地自己的國旗,被喚醒的人民,開始畫出繽紛的色彩。

導演讓受到 Björk 鼓動的軍隊,從一開始的萎縻,逐漸活了過來,但隨著獨立運動的進展,Björk 愈來愈激進,她的聲音表露了她的瘋狂狀態,整支軍隊彷彿陷入一種吃了迷幻藥般、偶像崇拜般的集體狂熱,邁向與片頭萎糜不振截然不同的另一個極端,終於在最後,在鏡頭前流下了綠色的漆,似乎在影射整個國家的崩潰。這似乎在暗示殖民地尋求獨立的過程可能的遭遇,提供了一個令人反思的觀點,讓整支 MV 的內涵顯得更豐富。然而,崩潰之後呢?機器不再運轉,人們終於自由,終於不再被機器所束縛,不過卻也有點迷茫的感覺。


真想 Björk 來台灣唱這首歌。 

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