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Andrew Lloyd Webber

1 Andrew Lloyd Webber
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-17quote  

Elaine Paige

Barbara   Streisand 

Memory (from Cats)

Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight the withered leaves at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters.
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I musn't give in
When the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smokey days
The stale cold smell of morning
A street lamp dies
Another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me
It's easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me you'll understand what happiness is
The new day has begun
edited: 1
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-17quote  


Close Every Door(from Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat)

Close every door to me
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows and shut out the light
Do what you want with me
Hate me and laugh at me
Darken my daytime and torture my night

If my life were important
I would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie far from this world

Close every door to me
Keep those I love from me
Children of Israel are never alone
For I know I shall find my own peace of mind
For I have been promised a land of my own

Just give me a number instead of my name
Forget all about me and let me decay

If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie far from this world

Close every door to me keep those I love from me
Children of Israel are never alone
For we know we shall find our own peace of mind
For we have been promised a land of our own

site admin
3 Don
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

Don't Cry for me Argentina

Sarah Brightman 

Sarah Brightman 曾與 Andrew Lloyd Webber 結婚,但後來離婚了。




 Elaine Paige 



 Don't Cry for me Argentina

 It won't be easy, you'll think it strange
when I try to explain how I feel
that I still need your love after all that i've done
you won't believe me
all you will see is a girl you once knew
although she's dressed up to the nines
at sixes and sevens with you
I had to let it happen, I had to change
couldn't stay all my life down that hill
looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
so I chose freedom
running around trying everything new
but nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to
don't cry for me argentina
the truth is I never left you
all through my wild days
my mad existence
I kept my promise
don't keep your distance
and as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
they are illusions
they're not the solutions they promised to be
the answer was here all the time
I love you and hope you love me
don't cry for me argentina......
don't cry for me argentina
the truth is I never left you
all through my wild days
my mad existence
I kept my promise
don't keep your distance
have I said too much? there's nothing more I can think
of to say to you
but all you have to do is look at me to know that every
word is true

edited: 4
site admin
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

為什麼在 Linux Firefox 中, Sara Brightman 的都會顯示  We're sorry. This video is no longer available.

可是在 wine + IE都沒有問題?

flash player 在 Linux/firefox 的 port 還真是有夠爛。



edited: 2
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

嵌入的問題?因為我開個 tab,然後依這個網址,在 youtube 看卻是正常的?

Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

我以為是 flash 有什麼 temporary files,結果換機器還是一樣不行。

可是在這一台 linux,IE+wine 還是沒有問題。大哭

Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

我以為是 flash 有什麼 temporary files,結果換機器還是一樣不行。

可是在這一台 linux,IE+wine 還是沒有問題。大哭


不過,據我所知,flash player 的版本也會造成這類問題。

Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-10-31quote  

奇怪的是,要某些影片才會這樣。據說,youtube 在更新一些東東,可能是這個原因引起的?

不過,通常我為了不拖慢瀏覽器的速度及可以看得流利一點,我都是用 youtube-dl 來下載看的,在下載的時候就去看別的主題,等 d/l 完成,再回到原主題。上面會有問題的,我用 youtube-dl 下載是很正常。

Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-11-01quote  

好像是 linux firefox 的 flash player plugin 處理 concurrency 有問題,因為似乎只發生在網頁有多個 youtube video 的情況。

12 Amigos para Siempre
Promote 0 Bookmark 02007-11-08quote  
edited: 2

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