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Use photo editor to adjust the color of an object

1 Use photo editor to adjust the color of an object
Promote 0 Bookmark 02017-07-10quote  

To adjust the color of an object(regional adjustment), the simplest way is 'Adj pix mat ref pt color', adjust the pixels that match the color of reference point.

AndCamera adjust the color of a object, original photo

  1. Tap  'Adj pix mat ref pt color'. 
  2. Tap the petal as the reference point
  3. Adjust RGB. The color may change, but only a part of the object.
  4. Adjust TR, TG, TB. The T stands for Tolerance. After increasing the values, you can see the adjusted region is expanded. Now it's possible to adjust the entire petals of the flower.

AndCamera adjust the color of a object, control

Unfortunately, the flowers of the weed(white dots) are also white. The colors are also replaced with orange. Is it possible to limit the effect region?

AndCamera adjust the color of a object, unlimited region

Delete the reference point, start all over again.

Tap 多邊形區域選擇 and select a polygon. A rectangle is ok for most cases. For complex conditions, you may handcraft a polygon.  Now use 'Adj pix mat ref pt color' and repeat the steps above.

AndCamera adjust the color of a object, use polygon selection to limitAndCamera adjust the color of a object, use polygon selection to limit
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Promote 0 Bookmark 02016-12-24quote  
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