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離家五百里(500 Miles)

1 離家五百里(500 Miles)
Promote 0 Bookmark 02008-01-01quote  

這首西洋老歌應該是大家耳熟能詳,一般聽的是 PPM(Peter, Paul & Mary)或是 The Brothers Four 的版本,偏慢板,現在是新年,我們來聽 The Hooters 的快板。



If you miss the train I'm on
You will know that I am gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
A hundred miles, a hundred miles
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

Lord , I'm one. Lord , I'm two
Lord , I'm three. Lord , I'm four
Lord , I'm five hundred miles away from home
Away from home, away from home
Away from home, away from home
Lord , I'm five hundred miles away from home

Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny to my name
Lord, I can't go back home this way
This way, this way
This way, this way
Lord, I can't go back home this way


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